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St. Francis Borgia School

Welcome to the SFB page! 


"Music is to the mind as air is the body."


-Plato, Philosopher

  • Register Now!

  • Schedule for Band, Piano, and Ukulele Programs are below!

Important Dates

"Music has a power of forming the character, and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young."


-Aristotle, Philosopher

  • Registration opens August 2nd!

  • Band Demonstration (4th-8th grade) - TBD

  • Band Pairing (4th-8th grade) - TBD

  • Band, Piano, and Ukulele begin the week of September 9th.


“How is it that music can, without words, evoke our laughter, our fears, our highest aspirations?”


 -Jane Swan

  • Band is a great musical experience offered to all 4th-8th grade students.

  • Every band student will receive one group lesson and one rehearsal/open guided practice per week.

  • Lessons schedules will be displayed at your above request.

  • For more information about the band program, please visit:

Beginning Band Recruitment

“I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.”


-Billy Joel

  • Band recruitment is geared toward 4th-5th graders. This happens in three phases:

    • Phase one - Presentation where we talk about the instruments as well as the band experience. 

    • Phase two - Choosing! The choice is yours and if you know what instrument you want to play, feel free to register. However, if you need help, we're here!

    • Phase three - Registration. If you're ready to register, please visit:


“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.”


-Victor Hugo

  • Piano (K-3rd)/Ukulele (2nd-3rd) is a great musical experience.

  • Every piano/ukulele student will receive one group lesson per week (Maximum of 8 students per class).

  • Lesson schedules will be displayed at your request (above).

  • To find out more information about the piano program, please visit:


“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”


-Bob Marley

At UP Music, we are dedicated to helping students strive upward by fostering critical thinking, active listening, and the discipline that comes with learning an instrument. Our programs are designed to empower organizations to provide transformative music education, guiding students not just in music, but in life skills. With our motto, "Teaching Life Through Music," we are committed to nurturing the next generation through the universal language of music. Whether in the classroom or on stage, UP Music is here to inspire and uplift through our tailored programs.


Questions? Ask! Contact us here​

Lesson Schedules

“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.”


-Victor Hugo

Piano and Ukulele*

  • Piano and Ukulele lessons will occur on Thursdays during the school day. 



  • Band will occur on Thursdays during the school day. 


*We will work with the SFB staff to create a schedule that is good for everyone. 



“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”


-Bob Marley

  1. What are the music programs offered?

    1. Piano is offered to grades K-3, ukulele is offered to grades 2-3, and band is offered to grades 4-8.

  2. Why should we consider music?

    1. There are a lot of documented benefits to learning and playing musical instruments. To learn why, please visit:

  3. What is the structure of the lesson?

    1. Lessons are conducted in group settings to promote a variety of healthy social, academic, and musical interactions

  4. Where and when will the lesson be?

    1. Please view the schedule in the section above. 

    2. All lesson will be taught at SFB.  

  5. ​Do I need an instrument?

    1. ​Band and ukulele students need instruments. We teach students life skills like how to be disciplined, committed, integrity, and so much more. Having an instrument is a vital item to help maximize the experience. Rental options are available. 
  6. How much is it to participate in the program?

    1. The cost of participating in the band program is $580.05 plus a one-time $20 material fee for the school year

    2. The cost of participating in the piano or ukulele is $475.99 plus a one-time $20 material fee for the school year

  7. Are there any payment options?

    1. Yes! There are two payment options:

      1. Pay the entire amount at registration at 4% discount

      2. Pay the amount over nine installments

  8. What about discounts?

    1. Yes we provide full year and sibling discounts.

      1. Full year discount - receive a 4% discount when you pay for the full year at registration 

      2. Sibling discount - receive a 9% discount for every additional sibling who lives in the same home

  9. I would love to get my student involved. What are my next steps

    1. Register! Please visit:


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