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Community Band

Welcome to the community page for E-learning updates. This page will serve as a way to inform you of lesson plans, times and resources for your student as we continue lessons for the immediate future in an E-learning environment. 

General Information

"Music is to the mind as air is the body."


-Plato, Philosopher

- Band begins the week of September 14th 

Beginning Band

"Music has a power of forming the character, and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young."


-Aristotle, Philosopher

Intermediate Band

“How is it that music can, without words, evoke our laughter, our fears, our highest aspirations?”


 -Jane Swan

Advanced Band

“I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.”


-Billy Joel


“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.”


-Victor Hugo

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